Monday, January 9, 2012

Squash - not the sport.

There is no food in the world that I love more than squash. I love all kinds of squash – summer squash, acorn squash, pumpkins, zucchini – they all make my mouth water. You can put them in salad, in ravioli, paint them, carve them, stuff them, stew them, steam them, bake them – the possibilities are endless! Despite all of these options, there is one variety of squash that stands out as the best squash of all – butternut squash.

Butternut squash is the perfect compliment to any meal. By “any meal,” I mean Thanksgiving dinner. Seeing that orange mush on the table is a symbol of family, love, peace, joy, and tastiness. It is a beautiful creation – squash mixed with a myriad of secret ingredients to create the candy-like wonder which graces our table. It is the dark horse of the holiday – it is not as famous as the potatoes, or as necessary as the turkey, or as standard as the cranberry sauce (which nobody likes anyway). It is annually forgotten or misrepresented until I take up the cause – Squash or Death! No Squash, No Stuffing! No Thanksgiving is complete without squash, and anyone who says differently should come over and try it sometime. It may actually be my one true love (besides Bruce Willis...and Disney...and bagels...and pizza...and sunshine...etc.)

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