Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Breakup Artists, Part I

I've been scrapbooking for a few days now (the reason why I've been scrapbooking will not be covered in this post, and will probably never be covered. All you gotta know is that apparently I am a sixty-five year old woman!) So, while I've been scrapbooking I've been listening to some CDs that I can just put on and not have to worry about skipping tracks and such, because the music player is very far away from the table (first world problems, I know). During these last few days, I have noticed a trend of some certain artists to be kind of obsessed with breakups.
Culprit Number 1: Kelly Clarkson

Ever since Kelly won Idol back in 2001 or 2002...some year around then, we've known her to be a strong, independent woman. Her first single off her first album was called "Miss Independent," after all! Her obsession with the breakup song began with her second CD, Breakaway (I mean, just consider the album title--she is breaking...away).  Encompassing such tracks as "Since U Been Gone" (probably one of the most quintessential breakup songs of my generation), "Behind These Hazel Eyes," "I Hate Myself for Losing You," and even "Walk Away," we begin to wonder who the hell pissed Kelly off!  I sure would hate to be that guy.  Although, we also have to wonder what kind of breakup it was, since she's got one song talking about how upset she is that she lost this guy, and then another song talking about how great her life is that that she's not with this guy.


We then reach Kelly's dark days: My December.  I don't think this is anyone's favorite album, and she still seems to be really upset about her breakup with that guy from Breakaway.  The only notable song off this album was "Never Again" in which she is very obviously still pissed at this guy--based on what she's seeing, it seems that this guy left her for anther woman.  But if that is the case, then why would she have said that she hated herself for losing him on her last album?


With the release of her next album, All I Ever Wanted, we got everyone's favorite Kelly song, "My Life Would Suck Without You."  Now, this is personally one of my favorites.  I've heard before that it was a follow up to "Since U Been Gone"...but when we really think about it, there was a whole record in between those two songs, so it's been a looong time since she broke up with that guy.  And after releasing an emo album about how much she hates him, I myself think Kelly is too strong of a girl to take that scumbag back.  I think it was more of an effort to please her label, which was probably noticing how angry she was being.  Anyways, not long after, her next single "Already Gone" was released, and it seems that whoever this guy was, they broke up again.  Though by now, she seems to have matured quite a bit, and instead of being angry and indignant, she is more accepting that she and this guy must part ways, because their relationship has become "poisonous."

We think Kelly's finally done with the breakups...but then comes her new album, just released a couple weeks ago!  In the first single off of it, "Mr. Know It All," Kelly goes back to her angry roots, getting mad at some guy (let's face it, with a song by a girl--it's always about a guy) for thinking that he knows her.  I'm not a big fan of this song--I can very well relate to her, getting annoyed when a certain person thinks that he knows everything about me, but I think a lot of girls feel that way and I think the song was a bit unnecessary.  Just recently she released the next single, "Stronger."  There must be some kind of rule stating that every successful girl-power artist must release a single by this name (Britney, Christina, Mary J. Blige...)  I think this is a great song, especially the flash dance in the music video, but it's the same topic that Kelly's been singing about for years!  She just broke up with some guy, and now she's doing great.

Kelly, we get it.  You get in relationships, and get pissed off.  You get really pissed off and then write 532659238 songs about how upset/angry/stronger/happy/sad you are.  But your repertoire has not changed in the last seven or so years...let's switch it up a bit, okay?

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