Friday, December 23, 2011

Today’s question—what’s so great about being a girl? I was talking with an acquaintance of mine earlier today and he was telling me that he wants to hitchhike (“travel by road”) all around America once he gets here (this acquaintance of mine is French, so that previous statement might make a little more sense now). Unfortunately I had to snap him back to reality and tell him that hitchhiking is actually illegal in most places in the United States and also pretty dangerous. He asked me why. I said that he could get killed…or something. I know that I’m one full of great responses. He didn’t seem to be buying my lame responses, so I simply said, well I guess it’s dangerous for a girl… Which brought him to a whole new topic of how he’s happy he’s a boy. And then I began to think to myself…what is so great about being a girl? I tried to make a comeback and got stopped. He said, oh yeah forgot about the periods! A smart-ass answer from someone whose first language isn’t even English. Sigh. Shafted again.

I took a good long time to think. Why do I like being a girl? And then it hit me as I looked in my closet and saw the shiny new dress I bought for New Years Eve. SEQUINS. Girls can wear sequins! I wore sequin flats last night at our party, and I wore a sequin tank tonight to the Messiah Concert. HA! Take that, boys! We can wear sequins!

Not so fast though… There I am, walking through the Grand Hall of the Kennedy Center, feeling pretty girly and chic in my sequin top until…I look to my left and see a man standing against the wall waiting to enter the concert hall wearing what? A bright green sequin tie. Yes. A sequin tie. And on top of that white button down shirt, all eyes were on him. And in the midst of Santa hats and Christmas sweaters and funny pins, everyone loved that man at that moment. Everyone except myself, because he took sequins from me. This man was wearing sequins, and I was once again shafted.

And so begins the bright future of this what I hope will be a witty blog. I have titled it after today’s story—because honestly, it’s a pressing question! Can men wear sequins?! And then the scary question—if they can, then what is so great about being a girl??!

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